The Okie Legacy: 1920 - Powwow Yearbook - Athletics

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1920 - Powwow Yearbook - Athletics

In 1920, the following individuals showed up under the sports edition of the 1920 Powwow yearbook at Alva High, Alva, Oklahoma.

Surface -- "Surf," captain and halfback of the 1919 squad, is the fastest and hardest hitter on the team. he is a good broken field runner and especially good at interference. He is a Junior and is 6 feet 1 1/2 inches tall, weighs 170 pounds and is 18 years old.

A. Robinson -- "Art" ran the team from the quarterback position this year. This was Art's second year. He only weighs 130 pounds, but he made good. He is 5 feet 6 inches tall, is 18 years old and is a Senior.

Jacobs -- "Jake" won his first letter at tackle this year. he is a Freshman, and is 17 years old; 5 feet 9 inches tall, and weighs 153 pounds.

Miller -- "Ernie" was generally recognized as the best line man at tackle. For opening up holes or demoralizing the opponents' backfield there was none better. "Ernie" stands 5 feet 10 inches tall, weighs 160 ounds and is 18 years old. He is a Senior.

Ames -- "Doc" was good at either tackle or guard. He was one of the heaviest men on the team, and when a player got around him, the play had gone so far that it was impossible to stop him. He is 5 feet 9 inches tall, weighs 175 pounds, and is 18 years old. This is his last year.

Clifford McClain -- "Pudd" could always be counted upon for a gain when he was called to carry the ball. He ws one of the shortest and hardest hitters of the squad. he is a 5 feet 3 inches tall, weighs 160 pounds and is 17 years old. This is his first year at school.

Chet McClain -- "Chet" was a powerful halfback. He made good in his first year on the squad. "Chet" is 16 years old, 5 feet 9 inches tall, and tips the bar at 155 pounds and is 17 years old. This is his first year at school.

Pennington -- "Big boy" is his right name for he stands 6 feet 1 1'2 inches tall, weighs 180 pounds, and is 19 years old. He was a hard fighter and good on offense and defense at center. Pennington is a Freshman.

Heaton -- Earl was one of the best ends on the team, good at going down on punts, and nailing the safety. He is 17 years old, weighs 145 pounds and stands 5 feet 10 1/2 inches. he graduates this year.

Skeen -- "Skeenie" was one of the small men of the team, but nevertheless one of the best. he is a Sophomore. he weighs 140 pounds, stands 5 feet 6 inches tall, and is 16 years old,a nd played at quarter.

Gaskill -- "Lige" didn't think he could make the team when he came out, but he soon had a regular berth at end. He is a Junior, and is 18 years old, stands 5 feet 8 inches high, and weighs 160 pounds. He was a good tackler and was also very good at breaking up interference.

Lilly -- "Al" was one of the most valuable men in the line at guard. Good at opening holes he was equally good at breaking through the line. Lilly is a Sophomore, and is 5 feet 10 inches tall, weighs 160 pounds and is 18 years old.

McDaniels -- "Mac" weighs 155 pounds, is 5 feet 10 inches tall and played at half. He is 17 years old and aSophomore. he will be hard to beat next year.

Roberson -- "Rob" alternated at end. An injured knee bothered him most of the season, but he was always fighting in the game. He is 5 feet 8 inches tall, weighs 165 pounds and is 17 years old. He is a Junior.

P. Robinson -- "Pert" was sure there when it came to breaking up interference. He is a Junior, "Pert" stands 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighs 128 pounds and is 16 years old.

Mounts -- "Sam" was a man you could depend upon. He was always out to practice. "Sam' stands 5 feet 10 inches high and weighs 150 pounds. He will be back next year.

Strickland -- "Strick" was one of the huskiest men in the line. He was good at breaking and tackling the backfield. He is 5 feet 11 1/2 inches tall, weighs 160 pounds and is 19 years old. He is a Senior.

The 1919 Selection...
Left End - Heaton
Left Tackle - Jacobs
Left Guard - Lilly
Center - Pennington
Right Guard - Ames
Right Tackle - Miller
Right End - Gaskill
Quarterback - Robinson
Right Half - Chet McClain
Left Half - Surface
Fullback - Clifford McClain

Resume of the Season...
The football season for the year 1919 opened very favorably, although there were a few difficulties which had to be encountered. To begin with Coach May had to work up an entire new team, there being no lettered men attending school. Then again there was neither a person in school who had had the least bit of training in the line of football. Starting out with the enthusiasm which characterizes his work, Coach May soon welded a team that looked like "Champions."

Then,however, old man "Jinx" stepped in, and after the first game some of the first string men were constantly out of the lineup on account of injuries. As soon as one man was patched up and returned to the lineup, another was injured; these things were directly responsible for several losses. Especially was this so in our last game with Woodward, five men of the regular lineup being disabled.

In all seven games were played, Alva winning one and another being forfeited. The total number of points made was 55 to our opponents' 144. However we anticipate a very successful season next year, as a number of first team men will be back at school.

The Alva-Waukomis game at Alva was the first game of the season and was played Friday, October 3rd. Waukomis' only ground gainer was the arial game by which they made all three of their touchdowns. They missed all three goals from placement after the touchdowns. Alva depended mostly upon straight football for her gains and had Waukomis competely outclassed in this department. Alva's line was impregnable on the defense, every man on the team doing exceedingly well. Ralph Surface was the individual star of the game, consistently smashing the opponent's lines for gains. The only touchdown for Alva was in the send quarter when Surface sprinted ninety yards. At the close of the first half the score stood 7 to 6 in Alva's favor. The final score was 18 to 7 in favor of Waukomis.

The next game was scheduled to be played at Helena. the weather, however, was so very severe that Helena forfeited the game. The game was played at Alva, October 14th, on the High School grounds. Alva played an offensive game from the first whistle to the last, rolling up a total of 34 points, while Helena only registered 7. The game was rather slow from a spectator's standpoint, and was greatly marred by time being taken out frequently for injuries and disputes. The outstanding star of the game was Ralph Surface, our fleety halfback and captain of the team. He scored all four of the touchdowns and was the most consistent ground gainer on the team, and did all the passing. Two of his touchdowns were results of eighty and fifty yard broken field runs. Alva's defense was also commendable, and they recovered several of the visitors' fumbles with lightning speed. many brainy plays were made on Alva's part, and the result was 34 to 7 in favor of the Orange and Black of AHS.

The next game was with Pond Creek on the gridirons of Alva High. Outlucked, outweighed and outplayed, Alva met the most crushing defeat of the season at the hands of the invaders, the Purple and White of the Pond Creek High, losing by the score of 42 to 6.

Our team was completely outclassed in every department of the game by the visiting team. Pond Creek outweighed our boys several pounds to the man, and gained most of their ground by the smashing route, plowing through the Alva line five to ten yards at a time. Pond Creek scored on the second down of the game by making a sixty yard run through Alva's line for a touchdown, which took all the pep out of our boys and they put up very little opposition the remainder of the game. The lone touchdown made by Alva came in the second quarter. Pond Creek was in possession of the ball and attempted a pass. The Alva ends broke through and knocked the ball out of the passer's hands and carried it ten yards for a touchdown. There was considerable wrangling over the play but it was finally decided in Alva's favor. Ralph Surface played about the best game for Alva. He made several good gains on the offensive and was about the only Alva player who could stop the mighty onrushes of the visitors. The ends pulled down several passes for good gains. The whole team lacked the old time pep and fight that have been characteristic of their playing in past battles.

October 24, Woodward, our oldest and most bitter rival, came to play on Alva's gridiron. Woodward and Alva have played football together every year since the starting of the Alva High School. There is always a large attendance to these games as they are always mighty hard fought battles.

This year our boys were in perfect condition with a week of hard practice. All attempts by either side to score during the first quarter were fruitless and as a result the score at the end of the first quarter stood 0-0. During the second quarter, Skeen made a forty yard run, Alva making a touchdown and kicking goal. This left the score 6-7 in favor of the Black and Gold at the end of the first half. In the last half of the game Woodward came back and made two touchdowns, kicking goal both times. Alva was unable to raise her score, the game ending with a score of 20-7 in Woodward's favor. Alva put up the best game of the season and one that was very interesting from a spectator's point of view.

The next game was played on November 7 with the Fairview football team. Alva was again defeated on her home ground. The Fairview boys were much heavier than our boys and outweighed us many pounds to the man. However, our boys made the game interesting for them and made many good plays.

Alva was handicapped a great deal by the absence of our star player, Surface. The "Call of the Wild Ducks" was too much for him and consequently he went hunting ducks, instead of hunting opponents whom he could lay out of the game.

Fairview kicked off to Alva but soon had the ball again in her possession. Gaskill made a twenty-five yard run during the first quarter, but Alva lost the ball on downs. The only good play in the second quarter was made by Fairview. They made a drop kick and scored three points. The half ended with the score of 3-0 in favor of Fairview. In the last half Fairview made two touchdowns, but failed to kick goal both times. Alva succeeded in carrying the ball across the line and kicked goal in the last minutes of the play. The game ended 15-7, Fairview holding the long end of the score. Fairview was backed by a hundred rooters from Fairview, who had come to witness the game and help their boys win. As a result there was about as much competition between the rooters of Alva and Fairview High, as there was between the opposing teams.

The last game of the season was played Nov. 20th when the Alva High football team met the strong team of Woodward High at Woodward and was handed the black envelope containing the short end of a 38-0 score. The Woodward boys outweighed the Alva team several pounds to the man, and because of this succeeded in pounding over a victory. It was the roughest and hardest fought game of the season, five of the Alva team were injured to the extent that some had to be removed from the game.

The team was in a badly crippled condition when they went into the game, several men nursing injuries from the previous conflict. Our team, however, worked well during the first quarter, making consistent gains and defending the Alva goal doggedly. In the second quarter Woodward showed more spirit and our line seemed unable to hold themselves against the opposing team.

Clifford McClain caught a forward pass and carried the ball for a thirty yard gain, but he was tackled on the ten yard line. Alva wa entirely outplayed in the last two quarters of the game, Woodward having a greater determination to win than before. This was the half in which our team received its injuries. Roberson had his knee dislocated and Heaton had the ligaments in his leg torn loose. Both were unable to return to the game. Others injured were Clifford McClain, Lilly, Art Robinson, Gaskill and Percy Robinson. When the smoke of battle had blown away it was found that Woodward had won the game by the large score of 38-0.


Anderson - Forward... "Preach," the captain of the team, was one of the stars of the season. Fast, a thorough knowledge of basketball and an excellent goal shooter all helped to make him a good forward. This is "Preach's" last year.

Crowell - Guard... "Chicken" played a great game at guard position. Fast, strong and a good fighter, he made a guard which could be relied on. He has one more year to play.

McClain - Guard... Hal played the guard positon this year and played it well. Tall, heavy and an ability to cover a great deal of ground made him a good man for guard. he has one more year to play.

Smithson - Forward... George palyed the game at forward this year. Fast and able to shoot goals any time he fitted well into the team. He will be back next year.

Heaton - Center… Earl played an excellent game at center; a good jumper at the toss-up, a hard fighter and able to shoot baskets well made him a hard man to keep off the team. This is his last year here.

Long - Forward "Longie," though rather light, was good at playing forward. A good eye made up his qualities. This is Longie's last year.

McClain - Center "Chet" played a steady and consistent game at center. He was a fast fighter and an accurate passer, and could cover a great deal of floor.

,b>Chew - Forward… "Chewie" played an alternate for forward and guard. He knew the game and with his good judgment he was a hard fighter at all times.

Boys Basketball - Resume of the Season...
The basketball season of 1920 started with only one letter man back. The rest of the squad was composed of untried, unexperienced men. These were the conditions which Coach May was forced to meet. He went to the task with a will, and soon had a team not of individual stars but a team shaped together into almost perfect teamwork. The season as a whole was not so good as it might have been in games won and lost, but the youngsters of this season will be the veterans of next season and great things will be expected of them.

The number of games played this season was not as large as it might have been, although the team was fortunate in escaping any serious injury during the season. The first game of the year was played on the Alva court. The team having had only several days' practice was naturally not as well experienced as the strong Waynoka team. They put up a stiff fight nevertheless and lost the game only by two points.

The next two games were played away from home, one at Waukomis and the other a return game at Waynoka. The former was won by Alva by a narrow margin. In the next game, however, Alva again lost to the Waynoka quintet, being defeated quite severely.

Following these games the Woodward boys invaded our school and in a fast and exciting game captured the victory by the score of 34 to 24. The Jet team also played a game with the Alva boys and won by the large score of 44 to 24. The Alva quintet next journeyed to the Sunflower State for a series of two games, one at Attica and the other at Spivey. In the former of these two games Alva received the worst defeat of the season, losing by the socre of 53 to 22. The Spivey game was a very good game, Alva putting up a hot fight on a foreign court. The victory, however, swung the other way, Spivey coming off victorious by the score of 36 to 23.

The next three games were played at home. The first game was against the N.S.N. second Ranger team. Alva's players were in good shape and defeated the Rangers 30 to 23. The second game was a return game with Waukomis, in which they avenged their former loss by defeating the Alva boys 28 to 25. The next return game was played with Spivey, Kans. This was the most interesting game of the season. Fast fighting for every gain every minute of the game was one of intense excitement. The Alva team was finally victorious, the score being 26 to 20 in Alva's favor.

Alva next played a return game with Woodward High School. This was the hardest fought and most bitter contested game of the season. The game was played at Woodward and a strange court together with the trip down there helped Woodward defeat us again by a score of 25 to 30.

On March 10th the last game of the season was played on the home court with the Cherokee team. Cherokee being one of Alva's greatest rivals made the game one of the most bitterly fought games seen here this year. The game was fought hard from start to finish, each team exerting every ounce of strength. The game was rather rough at times, however, the light and fighting quintet representing Alva nosed out the Cherokee team in the last minute and won the game, 19 to 17.

On March 19 and 20 the Annual Basketball Tournament was held at the Norma. The Alva boys entered and played the preliminary game with Canton. Canton had a strong team and Alva was eliminated, losing the game 28 to 30.
Never before in the history of the school did the students show as much loyalty and enthusiasm for basketball as was shown the past year. For the material Alva had, the team has made a creditable showing and the prospects indicate a bright season and coming year.

Girls Basketball...
Howard - Guard... "George" played her usual game at guard and was an asset to the team. She put her whole interest into getting the ball to her side, and her teamwork made her invaluable.

Jacobs - Forward... "Pete" is the kind of a player an opponent will dread more as she grows larger. She shows good form in goal tossing and there is no doubt that she will become a star player.

Williams - Guard... Ida played the game this year at guard position and was captain of the team. She is fast and a forward had a hard time scoring on her. Her guarding is snappy and her loyalty unshakable.

Smith - Forward... "Smith" was a phenomenal goal tosser. She seldom missed a toss whether guarded or not; her whole soul was in the game and when she played results were assured. She played in all games and can surely be depended on.

Duding - Side Center... Ruth was never seen twice in the same spot during a game and her quickness got the ball to her side every time. She was never well guarded and had a way of escaping vigilance. She was strong in following shots and getting the ball, and passing it on to a teammate.

Sense - Guard... Not many goals were made with Ruie's arms guarding. She seldom expresses an opinion but has played the game reflecting upon her school.

Mitts - Center... "Mittsie" never missed a practice game, nor failed to work hard for the team. By steady practice she is developing a technique which future opponents will have reason to dread. Her good nature is an inspiration to the other players.

Girls' Basketball - Resume of the Season
The 1920 Girls' Basketball season opened with a display of pep and enthusiasm such as rarely fails to put out a winning team. At the end of the first week a great number of girls were reporting regularly for practice. Four of the lettered girls from last year's championship team were back and consequently it was very easy to pick the new material and make a great team. In a few days the team was organized and was working like clockwork.

The first game of the season was played on the Alva court. This game was with the Northwestern Ranger Girls. The old fighting spirit together with almost perfect team-work won the game for Alva by the score of 32 to 23.

On January 30th, the fiercest athletic contest of the girls was witnessed when Alva played the strong team from Woodward. Every player was a star in this game. A minute before the game was over the game was in Woodward's favor. Alva hurriedly shot two goals and the game was won 31 to 29. The next game played a week later with Jet was the most interesting of the games played this season, from a spectator's point of view. The game ended with a tie and five minutes were added to the game. Jet threw two baskets and won the game, 23 to 19. The following game was a rather distasteful game for both spectators and players. When the game was half over, Pond Creek forfeited the game on account of roughness. The game was given to Alva, 2 to 0.

On February 27, Alva invaded the Woodward territory. The Woodward girls showed a spirit of determination that they failed to have in the previous game at Alva and evened things up by defeating Alva 32 to 26.

On March 19 and 20, the Girls' Basketball Team took part in the Annual A Basketball Tournament held at the Norma. The preliminary game was played with Gage. We easily defeated them by the score of 36 to 12. Driftwood was our next victim, Alva defeating them 40 to 12, and going into the finals. Jet and Alva played the finals, but the Alva girls lost the tournament, 14 to 18.

Looking back over the season's scores we find that the season has not been as successful as we at first anticipated. Avla, however, made a good showing in the annual tournament and the prospects for producing a championship team next year are very favorable.
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