The Okie Legacy: 1914 July - Germany To Block British Mediation Plan

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1914 July - Germany To Block British Mediation Plan

It was reported on the front page of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Monday, 27 July 1914, that Germany may block British mediation plan. Involved countries planning to be ready; Russia says inevitable; Greece with Servia.

European Crisis at a glance, Russian minister said war inevitable. Complete Russian mobilization ordered. Greeks would aid Servia with 100,000 troops. Sir Edward Grey called conference of German, Italian and French ambassadors. Britain,striving for peace, prepares for war. Servia ordered mobilization three hours before answering ultimatum. Russian strikers support war policy. Partial mobilization ordered in Belgium. Market panicky, many exchanges closed.

War on European Horizon

London, England, July 27 (1914) -- Warlike plans were prevalent throughout the length and breadth of Europe, and while a majority of the nations were hoping for peace all were preparing for war.

The stock market was in more panicky condition than ever, with a majority of the continental exchanges closed. The banks were endeavoring to take concerted action to forestall the panic that appeared inevitable.News comes from Greece to the effect that that country would stand behind Servia in case war was declared. Press dispatches told of the cancellation of furloughs and call for the return of reserves, with special concessions granted to deserters.

Germany Balks At Mediation

Berlin, Germany, July 27 (1914) -- When the British ambassador proposed mediation the foreign office replied it was unwilling to participate in such a move for the reason that such action would appear to be a suggestion to Austria to abandon or alter its policy. The chancellery had been given to understand from St. Petersburg that Russia was not mobilizing and as a consequence Germany would take no action along this line as yet, but would follow suit immediately upon learning that Russia was mobilizing. Runs were reported on many savings banks throughout continental Europe, but no particularly disastrous results were reported.

Cossack's Fire Raises Wrath

Rydtkuhnen, Germany, July 27 (1914) -- A Cossack patrol fired across the Russo-German border at this place and caused considerable bitterness among the residents of this town. Every effort was being made to regard an open outbreak against the Russian forces.

Russia Says War Inevitable

Washington, DC, July 27 (1914) -- While striving for peace from every angle Great Britain continues to make the most warlike preparations with her navy. Fleets were receiving orders almost hourly and all furloughs had been cancelled. The army and navy reserve was in a state of preparedness and ready to be called out a a moment's notice.

Britain Plans for Mediation

London, Eng., July 27 (1914) -- Sir Edward Grey had issued an invitation to the German, Italian and French ambassadors to a joint conference to attempt to arrange for the settlement of the present European crisis by mediation. Italy had accepted the invitation but France and Germany had delayed sending in answers.

100,000 Greeks for Servia

Constantinople, Turkey, July 27 (1914) -- The Greek minister to Turkey announced that if war was declared Greece would feel compelled to dispatch 100,000 troops to the aid of Servia. It is understood here that mobilization had commenced with this end in view and that the Greek army would be at the disposal of Servia the moment war was declared.

Servia Knew Answer Unacceptable

Vienna, Austria, July 27 (1914) -- According to an official pronounciamento issued Servia knew in advance that her reply to Austria's ultimatum would be unacceptable and had ordered the mobilization of her troops there hours before the reply was delivered.

Russian Strikers Uphold Government

ST. Petersburg, Russia, July 27 (1914) -- The Russian strikers, numbering almost 1,000,000, had returned to work as an expression of their support of the government's war policy. Following the announcement that they would return the strikers paraded the streets of St. Petersburg in one of the greatest demonstrations ever witnessed in this city. Patriotic hymns were sung and cheer upon cheer for the government was given by the striking band.

Mobilization In Belgium

Brussels, Belgium, July 27 (1914) -- A partial mobilization of troops throughout Belgium had been ordered. It was expected that within 48 hours the entire army would be in a position to move in any direction suggested.

Markets Panicky, Exchanges Closed

London, Eng., July 27 (1914) -- All European markets were panicky wight he principal exchanges on the continent closed. Local banks were endeavoring to take concerted action toward the forestalling of a panic which was believed to be inevitable.   |  View or Add Comments (0 Comments)   |   Receive updates ( subscribers)  |   Unsubscribe

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