The Okie Legacy: 150th Anniversary of Gettysburg (July 1-3, 1863)

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150th Anniversary of Gettysburg (July 1-3, 1863)

Bit you did not realize that July 1st thru July 3rd, is the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg skirmish during the Civil War. We found the following article, dated July 4, 1863, on the front page of the The Daily Ohio Statesman, located in Columbus, Ohio. The headline was under "Telegraphic," with the sub-headlines: "Morning and Noon Dispatches."

Further From Gettysburg

Baltimore, July 2 (1863) -- The American learns from parties who left Gettysburg at noon today that everything was progressing favorably for the ultimate success of our arms up to that time. They spent upward of six thousand prisoners had been captured and sent to the railroad terminus at Union Bridge, for transportation to Baltimore. Gen. Schenck just announced that he has in his possession twenty-four hundred prisoners in Baltimore and at the Relay House.

We learn that nearly one thousand of these were captured Wednesday by the 11th army corps, in their gallant charge on Longstreet's corps. They are said to have at first slightly faltered, but when Gen. Howard cried to them, "Remember Chancellorville," they rushed into the fight like infuriated demons, and the whole line of the enemy gave way before them. During the early part of today, up to noon, when our informant left, there had been no general battle, though heavy skirmishing had been going on all morning, resulting in heavy loss to the enemy and the capture of over five thousand more prisoners.

In all these skirmishes, which were conducted under the direction of Gen. Meade, our arms were entirely successful. The enemy studiously avoided any general engagement, and it was thought there would be none before today, when it was the intention of General Meade to press the enemy along the whole line.

The enemy was rapidly concentrating troops yesterday, and Gen. Meade's whole army had reached the field of battle. Gen. Couch was expected to press down through Cumberland Valley on the enemy.

Among the prisoners captured and arrived here, are Gen. Archer and twenty other officers.

Baltimore, June 3, 1863, 1a.m.

The American also has the following: We learn from Major Bumgarden and another officer of Gen. Reynolds's staff the following interesting particulars of the battle near Gettysburg, and are happy to say it closed for the day with the army of Gen. Meade in a most advantageous position for either attack or defense:

At nine o'clock Wednesday morning the 1st and 11th army corps reached Gettysburg, entering from the east side of town, and marched directly through to the west side, the cavalry force of the enemy in town galloping back as we advanced.

On passing out of the west end of the town the enemy was observed advancing rapidly from Chambersburg turnpike in line of battle, toward town, evidently endeavoring to hold an advantageous position commanding the town. The 1st corps, under Gen. Reynolds, which was in advance, pushed forward at double-quick to secure an advantageous position. The enemy under Longstreet and Hill advanced steadily, and in a few minutes heavy fire from both artillery and musketry opened along the whole Federal and rebel lines. The 11th army corps under Howard was also soon in position, and for a time quite a heavy battle raged. several charges were made by the enemy to dislodge our forces, all of which were unsuccessful.

At three o'clock the enemy massed his entire force and endeavored to turn our right wing -- Reynolds advanced; them and a heavy infantry fight ensued, in which both suffered severely, volley after volley of musketry being buried into the opposing columns with deadly effect. The field between the contending armies was strewn with dead and wounded. It is said the enemy suffered fully as heavily as we, though it is not known what was their loss in officers.

An effort to flank our right wing entirely failed, and we held the prominent and commanding position for which the struggle was made, at the close of the fight, which cased for the day about four in the afternoon.

A great decisive battle is considered imminent, and notwithstanding our severe loss in officers, the advantages of the day were regarded as decidedly with our forces. The army was in fine condition, full of enthusiasm for the coming battle, and confident of success.

New York, July 3, 1863

A special to the Herald from Harrisburg, July 2d, says: The battle at Gettysburg today was fierce and bloody. From all I can gather the rebellion has received its mortal wound! Cannon, small arms and the field are among the trophies.

A column of twenty-five thousand rebels passed through Billsburg yesterday in the direction of Gettysburg.

Some gentlemen connected with the press who arrived here last evening from Gettysburg, having left there before daylight in the morning, represent the condition of affairs at the close of the fight Wednesday evening to have been still more favorable and promising of successful issue, than previous information received. They state the rebels had held Gettysburg for some time previous to the approach of our army, and had not only occupied, but had commenced fortifying the hills west of town, where they prepared to check our advance toward Chambersburg and the mouth of the Cumberland valley. The movement of Gen. Reynolds, and the rapidity with which he advanced after entering the east end of town, took them somewhat by surprise, and he soon obtained a prominent position which rebels were fortifying.

The fighting through the balance of the day was a futile attempt on their part to regain this important position, from which they were frequently repulsed. Early on the afternoon both Longstreet and Hill combined their forces for a grand effort to turn our right flank, when Gen. Howard's 11th corps most nobly repulsed these two veteran corps of the rebel army. The repulse was so complete that no further attempt was made by the enemy during the balance of the day, and night closed in with our holding the position chosen by the enemy to give us battle from.

The 3d and 12th corps also came on the field after the last repulse of the enemy, but owing to the fall of Gen. Reynolds and the lateness of the time as well as exhaustion of the men and a desire to take care of the wounded, it was determined not to push the enemy for a renewal of the conflict.

When our informant left the field yesterday (Tuesday) morning, Gen. meade had arrived, and the main body of our army was in position and ready to push the enemy as soon as day should dawn.

Gettysburg is just twenty-five miles east of Chambersburg, over a fine rolling country most of the way, which will doubtless be the scene of the great battles of the rebellion.

The World's Washington special, July 3d, 1863, 11:10 a.m., says: Important advices are received of yesterday's battle. There seems but little doubt a brilliant victory has been won. The enemy has not only been reulsed, but several thousand rebels captured. Out loss has been large, but has resulted so far as known in decided success.

Richmond Captured - Vicksburg Surrendered

Philadelphia, July 3d, 1863 -- The press has the following:

Baltimore, July 2, 1863 -- Rumors from Fortress Monroe give rise to the impression that Richmond has been closely invested by Dix and is probably captured.

The inquirer has the following posted on its bulletin board: A dispatch from Washington just received at the Navy Yard and read to the workmen, says Vicksburg has surrendered.

The Press has a special from Wrightsfield, Pa., June 21, 1863, midnight, which says: Our forces are known to have gained on the enemy until four o'clock. Since then firing was rapid, indicating a general engagement. The rebel force is concentrated on South Mountain, toward Carlisle, six miles north of Gettysburg.

Sedgwick's corps passed York in the direction of Dover this afternoon. It is in the enemy's rear.

Battle At Gettysburg Renewed On Thursday

New York, July 3, 1863 -- A special to the Times from the battlefield near Gettysburg Thursday, 4:20 p.m., via Baltimore 3d, says: Today has been quiet up to the present. The enemy are massing a heavy force on our left and have just begun the attack with artillery. The probability is it will be severe before dark. Rebel sharpshooters are very troublesome, shooting at our men from steeples of churches.

The Tribune's special, dated Columbia, Pa., July 2d, says: The battle was renewed this morning and continued to 4 p.m., our forces gaining on the rebels ever since. The firing has been heavier, looking to a general engagement.

Lee's forces are said to be concentrated four miles northwest of Gettysburg. Sedgwick's corps is reported pressing upon the enemy's rear. The 21 army corps is moving up fromHanover this morning.

The Tribune's Washington special says: A dispatch from Meade received indicates a pitched battle Thursday.   |  View or Add Comments (0 Comments)   |   Receive updates ( subscribers)  |   Unsubscribe

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