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Moderated by NW Okie!


Volume 8, Issue 6 - Feature #1346

NWOSU's Oklahoma Hall Demolition...

Steve, That white building you asked about is the NEW high school Gymnasium that sets in front, east of the OLD Gymnasium.

NW Okie (a.k.a. Linda Wagner) - 2006-02-20 12:43:12

The picture from the fine arts has some interesting things in the background. I can identify the Catholic Church and the cemetery on the hill, but what is the white square building that looks like might be near the swimming pool?

Steve Nicholson - 2006-02-20 11:25:22

My wife lived there for the entire four years she was a student at NSC - Northwestern State College - she lived in the center wing.

Rod Murrow - 2006-02-12 22:08:44

This is so sad. I remember that building being built when I was a young kid. My wife stayed in it when she went to college one year.

Larry M. Whitely - 2006-02-11 13:48:12

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